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Provided by K7VV, Vince:
NOTE: The following does NOT mean that you don’t need to have a building permit. You SHOULD go to the building permit people and work that out. They MAY wave the permitting process, but they may not. So far as I know the City of Salem has made some more restrictions over the County regulations. A foundation permit will likely be required.
See http://www.leg.state.or.us/ors/221.html
221.295 Ordinances regulating placement or height of radio antennas. Notwithstanding ORS chapters 215 and 227, a city or county ordinance based on health, safety or aesthetic considerations that regulates the placement, screening or height of the antennas or antenna support structures of amateur radio operators must reasonably accommodate amateur radio communications and must represent the minimum practicable regulation necessary to accomplish the purpose of the city or county. However, a city or county may not restrict antennas or antenna support structures of amateur radio operators to heights of 70 feet or lower unless the restriction is necessary to achieve a clearly defined health, safety or aesthetic objective of the city or county. [1999 c.507 §1]
See: http://www.co.marion.or.us/PW/Planning/zoning/ruralzoning/
(a) The following accessory structures and uses are permitted on a lot in any zone in conjunction with a permitted dwelling unit or mobile home:
Oregon Revised Statute 221.295:
Marion County Zoning:
126.020 PERMITTED SECONDARY AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND USES. The following secondary and accessory uses and structures shall be permitted on a lot or parcel with a primary use and are subject to the limitations and requirements in Chapters 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, and the requirements in any applicable overlay zone:
(1) Decks and patios (open, covered, or enclosed);
(2) Storage building for: firewood, equipment used in conjunction with dwelling and yard maintenance; personal property (except vehicles) not in conjunction with any commercial or industrial business other than a home occupation;
(3) Vegetable gardens, orchards and crop cultivation for personal use, including greenhouses. No sale of produce is permitted.
(4) Sauna;
(5) Hobby shop;
(6) Shelter for pets;
(7) Fallout shelters;
(8) Swimming pools and hot tubs;
(9) Guest facilities not in a primary dwelling unit provided:
(A) Only one guest facility is allowed per contiguous property ownership; and
(B) Total combined maximum floor area shall not exceed 600 square feet, including all levels and basement floor areas; and
(C) No kitchen facilities are allowed, including no refrigerator or freezer, stove, oven, or other cooking facilities; and
(D) All water, sewer, electricity and natural gas services for the guest facility shall be extended from the primary dwelling services; no separate meters for the guest facility shall be allowed; and
(E) The guest facility shall be located within 100 feet of the primary use dwelling on the same property measured from the closest portion of each structure; and
(F) The guest facility shall use the same septic system as the primary use dwelling, except when a separate system is required by the Building Inspection Division due to site constraints, or failure of the existing system, or where the size or condition of the existing system precludes its use, additional drain lines may be added to an existing system, when appropriate; and
(G) The guest facility shall not be occupied as a dwelling unit; and
(H) The guest facility shall not have an address.
(10) Rooming or boarding of up to 2 persons in a dwelling unit;
(11) Pets, provided a conditional use permit is required in the RS and AR zones if there are more than 10 mammals over 4 months old. No birds or furbearing animals, other than pets, and no live stock, poultry, or beekeeping are permitted in RS zones.
(12) One recreational vehicle space subject to the requirements in Section 126.040;
(13) Additional kitchens in a dwelling unit provided all kitchens in the dwelling unit are used by only one family;
(14) Offering to sell 5 or less vehicles owned by the occupants of the dwelling unit in any calendar year;
(15) Garages and carports for covered vehicle parking;
(16) Child foster home;
(17) Sleeping quarters for domestic employees of the resident of the dwelling unit or mobile home;
(18) Bed and Breakfast establishments in AR zones provided they do not include more than 4 lodging rooms and may employ no more than two persons (“person” includes volunteers, non-resident employee, partner or any other person).
(19) Ham radio facilities.